Accessing Various Triplestores

Accessing Various Triplestores

ST is a triple-store agnostic platform, relying on its API wrapping common existing RDF middlewares such as Sesame or Jena, and thus in turn being able to connect to most existing triple stores. This section is thus meant to collect information related to running ST on known existing triple stores.  

As we cannot deal with all existing triple stores (nor are we interested in doing such a thing!), the information on these pages is meant to come in the form of experience reports written directly by the Semantic Turkey team or collected from other users of the community.

Thus there is no guarantee that these pages are either complete or updated.


Currently, we have information about the following triple stores 


Sesame is more known as an RDF middleware than a triplestore. However, Sesame2 comes bundled with a few triple storage options, such as in-memory or native storage of triples. Semantic Turkey supports both these Sesame embedded triple stores, and also allows to use the remote-connection option for enabling connection to any sesame-compliant server.

GraphDB (formerly OWLIM)

Currently, there is no specific implementation of the ST OntologyManager for GraphDB, however GraphDB is a sesame-compliant server and, as such, can be accessed through a sesame remote connection. There are however a few caveat. These are discussed more in detail in the related pages for using GraphDB with Semantic Turkey.

OpenLink Virtuoso

We have reports of a couple of users subclassing the sesame ST ontology manager in order to connect to Virtuoso (Virtuoso is sesame-compliant for what concerns the high-level API, but requires a dedicated client for the connection). We do not report anything here until it is official, but if you are interested in it, just ask us and we can put you in touch.