This guide could be is outdated with respect to latest OWLIM versions . We will probably remove it and limit our instructions on how to interact with an OWLIM project (actually, identical to the Quick Test Drive guide, except you have to choose "remote access" and connect to an existing OWLIM repository)to capabilities of ST for interacting with OWLIM/GraphDB. We
A more recent and simple article is available here: Using GraphDB (formerly OWLIM) with Semantic Turkey
We keep this page open as it still contains useful information such as using custom rulesets, however the page above is the official reference for (easily) accessing an OWLIM/GraphDB repository.
This guide is meant to remain as “static” as possible, along different configuration scenarios embracing data and vocabulary updates, changes in the various installation settings etc. For this reason, reference is made to an external wiki page on the google project site of Semantic Turkey: